Welcome, Pleasant Grove Jr. High School Parents
Hello, from Mr./Mrs. Teacher,
We are excited to have your students enrolled in band and orchestra at Pleasant Grove Jr. High School next year!
We have a few videos for you to watch that should give you all of the information you need to get your student started in band or orchestra.
Thank You,
 Mr/Mrs. Teacher
Introduction to Band
Instrument Demonstration Videos
Please watch the videos below with your student to help them choose an instrument to play.
Instrument Rental
Follow the link below to rent your instrument now for band. Summerhays Music Center will deliver the instrument to your home(FREE delivery in Utah County), your school rental night(if applicable), or you can pick it up at their Orem store location.
Welcome from Summerhays Music Center
We make it easy for you to provide your child with the best chance to succeed in school music. We do this by renting, selling, and servicing teacher-preferred band and orchestra instruments.
Step 1. Complete a rental form
You can do this at your school instrument rental night, on our website, or in our store in Orem.
Step 3. Make monthly payments
Rent your instrument until you own it, or return it, it’s up to you. You can return at any time or exchange to another instrument. 100% of all your payments will apply towards ownership.
3 Easy Steps to Get Your Beginning Rental